A winters green tree image with snow. With thanks, Image from Nantwich Town Council
Well I might just be up for peeking out from under my duvet soon when the sun’s out a little more - more chance of me getting into my wellies, and ferrying my giant bag of Christmas veggie peelings up the road to the compost bins. All quiet last weekend when I nipped up the garden to feed the worms. I rescued our honeysuckle archway by weaving willow through it. Going to need more to save it though, and need to make garden path less slippy.
Christmas Recycled: Please drop your old Xmas trees over the garden gate and we will chip them for ground cover. And try this recipe for DIY bird feeder from the Co-op’s Christmas mag. You need a fir cone, coconut shell, or yoghurt pot, (make a hole in it for hanging first), then add hard cooking fat mixed with bird feed, cooked rice, grated cheese, dried fruit or chopped nuts, and then plaster all over your feeder pot, cone or shell, and hang outside and watch the birdy...
Hope your week is good enough to get you in your wellies :)
By Sue Stokes