Ah it’s good to think of summer and butterflies when it’s so chilly outside. So I spoke to Robertwho organises the butterfly survey in Romsey, to help find out how we can attract butterflies andreverse their declining numbers. Butterfly facts: More natural habitat needed for butterflies.Theyare a valuable part of the food chain; valuable pollinators yet 75% of species are in decline. 4species have become extinct. Environmental change due to damage to their habitat and use ofpesticides is not helping, but we can make a difference by:- Sowing plants for butterflies andcaterpillars to feed on; reduce using pesticides. Provide nooks and crannies for over winterers.
Robert who recorded 2018 survey data for Romsey allotments, noted most species were on thewing for the first few weeks of April; mid June to mid August; and last few weeks of September.With only Whites appearing in the gaps in between. Small Tortoiseshells, Peacocks and RedAdmirals were seriously depleted, maybe due to the cold snap in March and April. For more infoon the Butterfly count email: