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Showing the Love

Southsea Green Moderator

In a week of flowers and exchanges of hearts, I took a rainy walk through the streets of Southsea -in my recycled wellies from Rowans. Missed the rainbow but had a mug of tea in the Hunter Gatherer cafe on Highland Road. I'm told by my friend Rachel that air quality is better if you're walking alongside a car than inside it- research backs this up and highlights the benefits of walking and cycling. Now in a week when we've been #showingthelove for the climate, that's good news.

I've been striding out lots lately, as have been unable to drive due to a broken finger. And it has struck me that the Portsmouth Friends of the Earth's plans for a walking strategy are good for making us 1) cut pollution, 2) exercise and 3) notice things as we take time to walk around.

By Sue Stokes

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